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Cimetière de la Croix-Rousse

Remarkable sites and monuments

Last updated date : 05/02/2018

The Croix-Rousse cemetery was created in 1823 based on plans by the architect Antoine Marie Chenavard. Tony Garnier was buried there along with his parents, in the tomb he had built for them as well as the poets Pierre Dupont and Josephin Soulary…

04 78 29 86 65 Site web

Practical information


63 rue Philippe de Lassalle - 69004 Lyon 4ème


Throughout the year : open daily from 8 AM to 5 PM, except on 05/01, 07/14.

Remarkable sites and monuments

Cimetière de la Croix-Rousse

63 rue Philippe de Lassalle - 69004 Lyon 4ème

04 78 29 86 65

I go by alternative transportation

403 Forbidden - Lyon Tourist Office
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