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Fort de Bron

Remarkable sites and monuments

Last updated date : 01/07/2021

Built in the 1870s, the Fort de Bron is one of the most interesting and best-restored of the forts surrounding Lyon. A key part of the city’s heritage, it’s a historical, walking and leisure site.

04 72 36 13 13 Site web

Practical information


Chemin vieux - 69500 Bron


Free of charge.


From 01/01 to 31/12, 1st Sunday of the month between 1.30 pm and 4.30 pm.

Remarkable sites and monuments

Fort de Bron

Chemin vieux - 69500 Bron

04 72 36 13 13

I go by alternative transportation

403 Forbidden - Lyon Tourist Office
Online shop Tours, citypass, excursions,...


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