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Fresque du Quartier de la Part-Dieu

Remarkable sites and monuments

Last updated date : 13/01/2021

Mural describing the history of the construction of the Part-Dieu district. The aim of the mural was to highlight the ancestry of the district, and show how the passage of time has modernised it.

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50 metres long and 4 metres high, this mural is split into 5 sections and colours: green for the landscape (the historical cuirassier barracks), yellow for the cultural and entertainment aspects, red for transport, blue for commerce such as banks and services. Created with chalk by the Cité de la Création and inaugurated 12th April 2007.

Practical information


allée intérieure du Centre Cial Part-Dieu donnant sur le bd Eugène Deruelle - 69003 Lyon 3ème


Free access.

Remarkable sites and monuments

Fresque du Quartier de la Part-Dieu

allée intérieure du Centre Cial Part-Dieu donnant sur le bd Eugène Deruelle - 69003 Lyon 3ème

04 78 50 44 57

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