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Courtyards and Traboules of Vieux-Lyon


Last updated date : 21/06/2024

Traboules, these shortcuts in the form of internal passage, allow to communicate from a street to the other one by crossing one or several buildings and run. They are mainly situated in Old Lyon and in Croix-Rousse.

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Trabouler, from Latin "Trans ambulare" means "pass through".
Particularly numerous in Old Lyon, they allowed, in the Middle Age, to quickly reach the boat on the Saône. They housed the clandestine comings and goings of Lyon Resistance during the 2nd War.

Traboules and courtyards in the Vieux-Lyon not to be missed 

  • 27 rue Saint-Jean to 6 rue des Trois-Maries traboule can cross two courses gallery 16th century, fully restored with plaster bright.
  • La Maison des Avocats (courtyard and Garden of "La Basoche"), rue de la Bombarde.
  • La Longue Traboule: 54 rue St Jean to 27 rue du Boeuf: longest traboule neighborhood. It crosses four courses and four buildings.
  • La Maison du Chamarier, at 37 rue Saint-Jean (courtyard).
  • 2 Place du Gouvernement to 10 quai Romain Rolland (courtyard and traboule). The building n°2, built in the 15th century, actually housed the Hostellerie St Christopher, which housed the travelers. The building has retained some Gothic decorative elements. The traboule led to the high court, then located above the stable, and then joined the dock Romain Rolland.
  • The courtyard at 14 rue du Bœuf.
  • La Galerie Philibert de l’Orme (a courtyard), of Maison Bullioud, at 8 rue Juiverie.
  • 10 et 12 rue St Georges (courtyard and interior garden, open from 7 am to 19h).
  • 40 rue St Jean to 5 place Neuve St Jean.
La cour des Voraces à la Croix-Rousse © Delphine Castel


Lyon’s traboules and courtyards


Vieux-Lyon et cathédrale Saint-Jean © Sander Van Der Werf / Shutterstock 692765317


Le quartier du Vieux-Lyon

Inscrit au Patrimoine de l'humanité par l'UNESCO en 1998, le Vieux-Lyon s'étire sur 3 quartiers bordés par la Saône, de Saint-Georges au sud, à Saint-Paul, au nord, en passant par Saint-Jean et sa cathédrale gothique à mi-chemin.  
