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- Lyon
- Lyon 8
Lyon 8
History of the 8th district
Between history and metamorphosis, the 8th was forged around symbols: the rose, the cinema, the architecture of Tony Garnier, the theater and later the dance, while keeping its strong industrial footprint. Created a little over 50 years ago, it continues its economic and urban development. At Monplaisir, a visit of the Institut Lumière is essential for a discovery of the origins of cinema. In the neighborhood of the United States, the Urban Museum Tony Garnier unveils a must-see open-air museum.
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Out and about
Autumn in Monplaisir
Make the most of the lively Festival Lumière to (re)discover, at your leisure, the area around Place Ambroise-Courtois. This neighbourhood with a village feel has a number of cultural gems to be discovered, far from the bustle of the crowds.
33 hits

Transport and transfers
Gate Lyon
Transport and transfers
Gate Lyon
17 rue Antoine Lumière - 69008 Lyon 8èmeShopping
Marché de Produits Manufacturés Etats-Unis (manufactured products market)
From 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2025
Marché de Produits Manufacturés Etats-Unis (manufactured products market)
Place du 8 mai 1945 - 69008 Lyon 8èmeFrom 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2025
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'Accueil Vélo' in Lyon
'Accueil Vélo' in Lyon
14 rue Jacqueline Auriol - 69008 Lyon 8èmeReligious heritage
Eglise Saint Jacques des Etats-Unis
Religious heritage
Eglise Saint Jacques des Etats-Unis
rue du Commandant Pegout - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Religious heritage
Eglise Saint Jean Apôtre - Notre Dame du Liban
Religious heritage
Eglise Saint Jean Apôtre - Notre Dame du Liban
29 rue Berty Albrecht - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Remarkable sites and monuments
Lyon Rose wall painting
Remarkable sites and monuments
Lyon Rose wall painting
Résidence Maurice Langlet avenue Paul Santy - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Religious heritage
Eglise de la Sainte Trinité
Religious heritage
Eglise de la Sainte Trinité
place Sangnier CURE : 111 avenue Jean Mermoz - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Remarkable sites and monuments
Remarkable sites and monuments
Hôpital Saint Jean de Dieu 290 route de Vienne - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Remarkable sites and monuments
Fresque de Shanghai
Remarkable sites and monuments
Fresque de Shanghai
23 boulevard des Etats-Unis - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Remarkable sites and monuments
Wall Paintings Babel Tower
Remarkable sites and monuments
Wall Paintings Babel Tower
Place Mendès France - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Dental Surgery Museum
Dental Surgery Museum
Faculté d'Odontologie 11 rue Guillaume Paradin - 69008 Lyon 8èmeodontologie.univ-lyon1.fr/presentation/musee-dentaire-de-lyon/
Religious heritage
Eglise Notre Dame de Saint Alban
Religious heritage
Eglise Notre Dame de Saint Alban
67 rue Laennec - 69008 Lyon 8ème
Manage your event
Lugdunum Figurines
Manage your event
Lugdunum Figurines
13 rue Antoine Lumière - 69008 Lyon 8ème