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Jardin des Saules

Parks, gardens and places to go for a stroll

Last updated date : 25/02/2022

The garden owes its name to its dominant species (the willow tree). Covering nearly 1 ha, it features more than 1,600m² of plantations along the Saône.

04 72 69 47 60

Practical information


entre le quai Paul Sédaillan et la rue Antonin Laborde - 69009 Lyon 9ème

Parks, gardens and places to go for a stroll

Jardin des Saules

entre le quai Paul Sédaillan et la rue Antonin Laborde - 69009 Lyon 9ème

04 72 69 47 60

I go by alternative transportation

403 Forbidden - Lyon Tourist Office
Online shop Tours, citypass, excursions,...


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