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The Manor Park

Parks, gardens and places to go for a stroll

Last updated date : 25/02/2022

Nestled at the end of a vast park with around two hundred trees, this 19th-century manor, previously known as Les Petites Cazardes, is an example of atypical architecture in our region.

04 72 49 52 49
A restaurant was set up here in the 20th century, which came to be owned by the city of Grigny in 1979. Today, the main building has been turned into offices and an author's residence where writers come to stay. An Egyptian statue placed at the entrance to the park is covered with signs recalling hieroglyphics, even though it was made locally. It is a reflection of the great interest taken in Egypt by certain enthusiasts in the 19th century; a country to which the owner of the residence travelled. The site's beauty lies in the range of botanical species that flourish, some describe it as a miniature version of the Parc de la Tête d'Or.

Practical information


rue Jean Sellier - 69520 Grigny


Throughout the year : open daily, except on 01/01, 05/01, 12/25.

Parks, gardens and places to go for a stroll

The Manor Park

rue Jean Sellier - 69520 Grigny

04 72 49 52 49

I go by alternative transportation

403 Forbidden - Lyon Tourist Office
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