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- Parks, gardens and places to go for a stroll
- Natural Park of Yzeron
Natural Park of Yzeron
Parks, gardens and places to go for a stroll
Last updated date : 05/02/2018
Green lung of 60,000 m2 , the natural park of Yzeron was built in 2007. Waterfront Yzeron , it has many tree species : acacia , chestnut hornbeam, oak , maple, ash , beech, yew , cherry, elm, pine, cedar, basswood.
The park consists of a large grassy area with ancient trees and a wood with several footpaths.
Practical information
bd Emile Zola, rue du Merlo et rue Francisque Jomard - 69600 Oullins
Free of charge
Throughout the year : open daily from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Parks, gardens and places to go for a stroll
Natural Park of Yzeron
bd Emile Zola, rue du Merlo et rue Francisque Jomard - 69600 Oullins
I go by alternative transportation